Thursday, July 11, 2019

HYMENOPLASTY - Hymen repair surgery

The hymen is a membranous structure situated slightly inside the opening of the vagina. The hymen can be torn during sexual intercourse, performing strenuous physical activity or by inserting a tampon. An intact hymen is considered as a token of virginity in many cultures, therefore, for cultural and religious reasons, it can be an important factor for new marriages.
Hymenoplasty or ‘revirginisation’ helps to repair a torn hymen so that the woman can experience bleeding and pain like having sex for the first time…… again.

Friday, June 9, 2017


The BLADDER DIARY is an important assessment tool for women experiencing urinary problems. After taking a detail history and examination, I will advice ladies who experience these symptoms:
  •  frequency (pass urine more than 7 times in a day) 
  •  urgency ( a sudden desire to pass urine) of urgency incontinence
  •  nocturia (waking up to pass urine more than 1 time after going to bed)
 to do a bladder diary for 3 consecutive days 24hours a day. All fluid taken in and every time she passes urine along with the quantity must be recorded.

This is the bladder diary which I give to my patients:

From the bladder diary, we can clearly see how much or frequently the person is taking in or passing out fluid. From this, we can advise them on fluid management and bladder training. Below is an example of bladder diaries of a lady who had seen me for a complaint of frequency and urgency. I requested her to do an initial bladder diary. I advised her on fluid management and bladder training. After 2 weeks, she repeated the bladder diary and it showed a significant improvement. Therefore, these bladder diaries can be used to treat women with urinary symptoms.



For consultation contact:

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Urogynaecologist
Bagan Specialist Centre
Jalan Bagan 1,
Butterworth, Penang

Call 04-3322800 and connect to Dr. Anil's clinic for an appointment 
For more details: 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


   Hysterectomy or surgical removal of the uterus/womb is the most common procedure performed in gynaecology. The uterus and at times along with the tubes and ovaries are removed for various indications. Some of the common indications are prolapse of the uterus, uterine fibroid, excessive/uncontrolled uterine bleeding, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia and many more. 

   Hysterectomy can be performed by many methods. The commonest method is abdominal hysterectomy, where an incision is made on the abdomen and the uterus is removed. This method leaves a huge scar, is more painful and needs longer hospital stay. 

   Another method commonly done nowadays is minimally invasive/key-hole surgery. Small incisions are made on the abdomen and instruments are used to remove the uterus. This method, although has small scars is expansive and has higher risk of injury to surrounding organs. 

   Hysterectomy can also be done through the vagina. This is the scarless method. An incision is made on the vagina and the uterus is removed. After removal, the vagina is closed and the wound remains inside and invisible. Repair of surrounding structures or pelvic reconstructive surgery can also be performed to restore the function of the vagina, bladder and rectum for sexual, urinary and bowel problems. 

   The advantages of this method are : 
  • Short hospital stay - only 1 or 2 nights 
  • Less pain, bleeding and risk of injury to surrounding organs
  • Safest method of hysterectomy
  • Less anaesthesia required - surgery performed under spinal anaesthesia
  • Cheaper cost of surgery
  • Faster recovery and mobility after surgery
  • Safe method in high risk women - those with diabetes, high blood pressure or other medical problems
  • NO SCAR 
   If you experience problems with your womb/uterus  which requires it to be removed, you have an option of scarless hysterectomy. Kindly contact Dr. Anil's clinic at 04-3322800 for an appointment, further evaluation and surgery.
(Facebook page:

 For consultation contact:

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Urogynaecologist
Bagan Specialist Centre
Jalan Bagan 1,
Butterworth, Penang

Call 04-3322800 and connect to Dr. Anil's clinic for an appointment 
For more details: 

Monday, January 30, 2017


Urogynaecology services at BSC. Call 04-3322800 and connect to Dr Anil's clinic for an appointment.

 For consultation contact:

Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Urogynaecologist
Bagan Specialist Centre
Jalan Bagan 1,
Butterworth, Penang

Call 04-3322800 and connect to Dr. Anil's clinic for an appointment 
For more details: 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Dr. Anil Krishna Dass is now seeing Urogynaecology problems at Bagan Specialist Centre

Monday, September 21, 2015


Urogynaecology is a sub-specialised field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology dedicated to treating women with urinary and pelvic floor problems. A Urogynaecologist investigates and treats women with prolapse of the pelvic organ like the uterus, vagina, urinary bladder and rectum through the vaginal opening. They also manage urinary problems affecting women like stress urinary incontinence and overactive bladder (urgency incontinence). Besides these, a Urogynaecologist cares for women with sexual problems by vaginal rejuvenation (vaginal tightening) procedures and labioplasty. 

If have experience symptoms, kindly make an appointment to see:

 Dr Anil Krishna Dass
Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Urogynaecologist
Bagan Specialist Centre
Jalan Bagan 1, Butterworth, Penang
Call 04-3322800 and connect to Dr Anil's clinic.